FAST Team: New Mexico State University, APOGEE
Characterizing Kepler Eclipsing Binaries Observed with SDSS/APOGEE
Category: Collaboration Research
Survey: APOGEE-2
By combining high resolution APOGEE spectra with the high-precision photometry taken by the Kepler Space Telescope, close binary stars may be well characterized. We will examine a subset of eclipsing binaries listed in the Villanova Kepler Eclipsing Binary Catalog by cross-correlating with the Apogee APOKASC catalog. We found that infrared color magnitude and color-color diagrams, especially the H-K vs J-K diagram, allowed for a relatively clean separation of giants and dwarf stars. Presumably, dominated by the primary star in these eclipsing binaries. We will identify interesting binaries and make progress towards their characterization and develop a catalog of eclipsing binaries.