MaStar Data Access

MaStar Data can be accessed using the SDSS Science Archive Server (SAS). There are two main files: one contains the summary tables and the other contains the spectra. You can download the files individually through a web browser, or automate the downloads via the "rsync" or "wget" commands.

Additionally, the Science Archive WebApp (SAW) provides a searchable interface for MaStar data, including an interactive view of spectra, and a data download facility: MaStar SAW.

MaStar Output: Summary Table File

The "mastarall-v3_1_1-v1_7_7.fits" file is a summary table containing information on the MaStar target, including the MaNGA ID, locations, photometry, input parameters, radial velocity, spectral quality flags, and more.

This file can be downloaded at this link.

See the Data Model and the MaStar Catalogs page for more details about the content of this file.

How to Download

You can download this file through a web browser or using rsync:

rsync -avz rsync:// .

This catalog can also be queried using the CASJobs data access tool. Examples of MaStar queries can be found here.

Spectra File

All high quality 1D MaStar spectra are located in the "mastar-goodspec-v3_1_1-v1_7_7.fits.gz" file:


Each entry in this file contains the spectrum and related information from one night (visit) of observation for a star. If a star has been observed on multiple nights (visits), then there will be multiple entries for that star. Spectra from multiple exposures on one night have been combined together to give a single visit spectrum of the target star for that night.

See the Data Model for the spectra file and the MaStar Spectra page for more details.

How to Download

You can download this file through a web browser using the SAS link above, or using rsync:

rsync -avz rsync:// .

This catalog can also be queried using the CASJobs data access tool.

Uniform Resolution Spectra

We provide spectra that have been homogenized by their Line Spread Function (LSF). There are four LSF curves, defined by four LSF percentiles at each wavelength among all good spectra. Specifically, we provide the 99.5, 90.0, 75.0 and 60.0-th percentiles for the 'goodspec' spectra. For each LSF curve, we selected stars that have sharper LSF than it at all wavelengths and broadened their individual LSF curve to this common LSF curve.

The spectra are available here:[PERCENTILE].fits.gz

Where [PERCENTILE] is the desired percentile range.

For example, to download the 'goodspec' spectra that fall within the 60.0-th LSF percentile, the file should look like: mastar-goodspec-v3_1_1-v1_7_7-lsfpercent60.0.fits.gz.

Also available are the combined spectra within the same LSF category from multiple visits of the same star (i.e. same MaNGAID object). These are available here, following the same LSF options as described above:[PERCENTILE].fits.gz

How to Download

To download all visit spectra of a specific LSF percentile using rsync:

rsync -avz rsync://[PERCENTILE].fits.gz

Or use rsync to download combined spectra:

rsync -avz rsync://[PERCENTILE].fits.gz

Individual Spectra

Individual 1D spectra are also available on the SAS:[PLATE]/mastar/mastar-LOG-[PLATE]-[IFUDESIGN].fits.gz

Where [PLATE] is the plate number and [IFUDESIGN] is the ID of the fiber bundle used to target this star.

See the Data Model for individual spectra file and the MaStar Spectra page for more detail.

Pay special attention to the spectral quality bitmasks, which provide essential information about spectra that do not meet quality standards (e.g., having bad flux calibration, high variance in radial velocity estimates, or problems identified in visual inspection, etc.).

Although we provide the ability to download individual spectra here, we recommend that users download the 'goodspec' file available above to avoid quality issues.

How to Download

You can use the rsync command to automate the download of multiple spectra. For example, to download all spectra from a specific plate (e.g. 8037), use the command:

rsync -avz --include "*/" --include "mastar-LOG-*.fits.gz" --exclude "*" rsync:// .

Or, make a list of the paths you wish to download in a text file, e.g.

and then forward that to “wget”:

wget -i [path to file list] ./

Science Archive WebApp

The Science Archive WebApp (SAW) provides a searchable interface for MaStar data, includes an interactive view of spectra, and a data download facility, available here.