APOGEE Bitmasks

APOGEE_ASPCAPFLAG : ASPCAP star level bitmask

This bitmask is used to provide information and indicate possible issues associated with the ASPCAP fits. The flags refer to issues in the spectra impacting the fit (inherited from STARFLAG), issues incurred during the fitting process, and issues incurred when evaluating the parameters. For flags associated with a stellar parameter or chemical abundance measurement, more detailed information is available in the PARAMFLAG or ELEMFLAG bitmask for that measurement.

Bit Name Binary Digit Description
TEFF_WARN 0 WARNING on effective temperature (see PARAMFLAG[0] for details)
LOGG_WARN 1 WARNING on log g (see PARAMFLAG[1] for details)
VMICRO_WARN 2 WARNING on vmicro (see PARAMFLAG[2] for details)
M_H_WARN 3 WARNING on metals (see PARAMFLAG[3] for details)
ALPHA_M_WARN 4 WARNING on [alpha/M] (see PARAMFLAG[4] for details)
C_M_WARN 5 WARNING on [C/M] (see PARAMFLAG[5] for details)
N_M_WARN 6 WARNING on [N/M] (see PARAMFLAG[6] for details)
STAR_WARN 7 WARNING overall for star: set if any of TEFF, LOGG, CHI2, COLORTE, ROTATION, SN warn are set
CHI2_WARN 8 higher than typical chi^2 (> 30*(SNR/100)**2)
COLORTE_WARN 9 effective temperature more than 500K from photometric temperature for dereddened color (WARN)
ROTATION_WARN 10 Spectrum has broad lines, with possible bad effects: FWHM of cross-correlation of spectrum with best RV template relative to auto-correltion of template > 1.5 (WARN)
SN_WARN 11 S/N<70 (WARN)
SPEC_HOLE_WARN 12 Grid point within 2 grid steps of hole-filled synthesis
ATMOS_HOLE_WARN 13 Grid point within 2 grid steps of hole-filled atmosphere
TEFF_BAD 16 potentially BAD effective temperature (see PARAMFLAG[0] for details)
LOGG_BAD 17 potentially BAD log g (see PARAMFLAG[1] for details)
VMICRO_BAD 18 potentially BAD vmicro (see PARAMFLAG[2] for details)
M_H_BAD 19 potentially BAD metals (see PARAMFLAG[3] for details)
ALPHA_M_BAD 20 potentially BAD [alpha/M] (see PARAMFLAG[4] for details)
C_M_BAD 21 potentially BAD [C/M] (see PARAMFLAG[5] for details)
N_M_BAD 22 potentially BAD [N/M] (see PARAMFLAG[6] for details)
STAR_BAD 23 BAD overall for star: set if any of TEFF, LOGG, CHI2, COLORTE, ROTATION, SN error are set, or any GRIDEDGE_BAD
CHI2_BAD 24 significantly higher than typical chi^2 (> 50*(SNR/100)**2)
COLORTE_BAD 25 effective temperature more than 1000K from photometric temperature for dereddened color
ROTATION_BAD 26 Spectrum has broad lines, with possible bad effects: FWHM of cross-correlation of spectrum with best RV template relative to auto-correltion of template > 2 (BAD)
SN_BAD 27 S/N<50
SPEC_HOLE_BAD 28 Grid point within 1 grid steps of hole-filled synthesis
ATMOS_HOLE_BAD 29 Grid point within 1 grid steps of hole-filled atmosphere
MISSING_APSTAR 32 Missing apStar file
NO_GRID 33 Not processed by any ASPCAP grid
BAD_FRAC_LOWSNR 34 Fraction low SNR pixels > 0.5
BAD_FRAC_BADPIX 35 Fraction bad pixels > 0.5 or 0.33 in any chip
FERRE_FAIL 36 FERRE failure (bad input?)
PROBLEM_TARGET 40 Target probably not suitable for standard ASPCAP analysis: extended, embedded, galaxy, etc
MULTIPLE_SUSPECT 41 Likely composite spectrum, possibly not suitable for standard ASPCAP analysis

APOGEE_PARAMFLAG, APOGEE_ELEMFLAG : ASPCAP bitmask for individual parameters/abundances

These bitmasks are used to provide information indicate possible issues associated with individual measurements from ASPCAP fits. This bit provides more context for some of the bits in ASPCAPFLAG. A PARAMFLAG or ELEMFLAG is produced for each of the stellar parameters and chemical abundances measured in DR17, and each of the bitmasks has the same format.

Bit Name Binary Digit Description
GRIDEDGE_BAD 0 Parameter within 1/8 grid spacing of grid edge : true value may be off grid
CALRANGE_BAD 1 Parameter outside valid range of calibration determination
OTHER_BAD 2 Other error condition
FERRE_FAIL 3 Failed solution in FERRE
PARAM_MISMATCH_BAD 4 Elemental abundance from window differs significantly from parameter abundance
FERRE_ERR_USED 5 FERRE uncertainty used (larger than parametric uncertainty)
TEFF_CUT 6 Star in region of parameter space where abundances do not appear valid for this element
GRIDEDGE_WARN 8 Parameter within 1 grid spacing of grid edge (not necessarily bad)
CALRANGE_WARN 9 Parameter in possibly unreliable range of calibration determination
OTHER_WARN 10 Other warning condition
FERRE_WARN 11 FERRE warning (not implemented?)
PARAM_MISMATCH_WARN 12 Elemental abundance from window differs from parameter abundance
OPTICAL_WARN 13 Comparison with optical abundances suggests problem
ERR_WARN 14 Large expected uncertainty or upper limit based on location in parameter space (Teff, [M/H], S/N)
FAINT_WARN 15 Warning based on faint star/RV combination
PARAM_FIXED 16 Parameter set at fixed value, not fit
RV_WARN 17 RV puts important line off of chip
SPEC_RC 24 Spectroscopically identified RC star
SPEC_RGB 25 Spectroscopically identified RGB star
LOGG_CAL_MS 26 DR16: use MS gravity calibration
LOGG_CAL_RGB_MS 27 DR16: use RBG/MS transition gravity calibration


This bitmask is used to provide information and identify issues associated with spectral processing, radial velocity measurement, and spectral combination. At the visit level, it conveys information relevant to a specific spectrum. It is also used for combined spectra in both STARFLAG and ANDFLAG, where the former is a bitwise OR of the visit STARFLAG for all of the visits, and the latter is a bitwise AND of the visit STARFLAG for all of the visits. The bitmask RV_FLAG provides more details relevant to the RV determination.

Bit Name Binary Digit Description
BAD_PIXELS 0 Spectrum has many bad pixels (>20%): BAD
COMMISSIONING 1 Commissioning data (MJD<55761), non-standard configuration, poor LSF: WARN
BRIGHT_NEIGHBOR 2 Star has neighbor more than 10 times brighter: WARN
VERY_BRIGHT_NEIGHBOR 3 Star has neighbor more than 100 times brighter: possibly BAD
LOW_SNR 4 Spectrum has low S/N (S/N<5)
PERSIST_HIGH 9 Spectrum has significant number (>20%) of pixels in high persistence region: WARN
PERSIST_MED 10 Spectrum has significant number (>20%) of pixels in medium persistence region: WARN
PERSIST_LOW 11 Spectrum has significant number (>20%) of pixels in low persistence region: WARN
PERSIST_JUMP_POS 12 Spectrum show obvious positive jump in blue chip: WARN
PERSIST_JUMP_NEG 13 Spectrum show obvious negative jump in blue chip: WARN
SUSPECT_RV_COMBINATION 16 RVs from synthetic template differ significantly (~2 km/s) from those from combined template: WARN
SUSPECT_BROAD_LINES 17 Autocorrelation peak width large
BAD_RV_COMBINATION 18 RVs from synthetic template differ very significatly (~10 km/s) from those from combined template: potentially BAD
RV_REJECT 19 Rejected visit because cross-correlation RV differs significantly from least squares RV
RV_SUSPECT 20 Suspect visit (but used!) because cross-correlation RV differs slightly from least squares RV
MULTIPLE_SUSPECT 21 Suspect multiple components from Gaussian decomposition of cross-correlation
RV_FAIL 22 RV failure
SUSPECT_ROTATION 23 Suspect rotation: cross-correlation peak with template significantly broader than autocorretion of template
MTPFLUX_LT_75 24 Spectrum falls on fiber in MTP block with relative flux < 0.75
MTPFLUX_LT_50 25 Spectrum falls on fiber in MTP block with relative flux < 0.5

APOGEE_RV_FLAG : Bitmask for radial velocity information

This bitmask is used to provide information ms associated with radial velocity measurements. The bitmask provides more context to RV-related bits in STARFLAG. This bitmask appears at the visit- and combined- level; some bits are set at the visit level (e.g., bits 10, 11) and others at the combined level.

Bit Name Binary Digit Description
RV_BCFIT 0 Initial fit on BC combined spectra, then small RV range
RV_BCFIT_FAIL 1 Failed fit on BC combined spectra
RV_FAINT_FIT 2 Faint star, RV fit on reduced range
RV_WINDOW_MASK 3 Regions masked in RV fit
RV_VALUE_ERROR 4 Jointfit failed with ValueError
RV_RUNTIME_ERROR 5 Jointfit failed with RuntimeError
RV_ERROR 6 Jointfit failed with exception
NO_GOOD_VISITS 8 No good visits for RV
ALL_VISITS_REJECTED 9 All visits rejected
RV_REJECT 10 RV rejected based on fit vs xcorr RV
RV_SUSPECT 11 RV suspect based on fit vs xcorr RV

APOGEE_PIXMASK : APOGEE bitmask for individual pixels in a spectrum

This bitmask is used to provide information associated with individual pixels in a one-dimensional spectrum. At the visit level, PIXMASK refers to the individual spectrum. At the combined level, PIXMASK attempts to appropriately combine the PIXMASKs of the visit spectrum level.

Bit Name Binary Digit Description
BADPIX 0 Pixel marked as BAD in bad pixel mask or from strong persistence jump
CRPIX 1 Pixel marked as cosmic ray in ap3d
SATPIX 2 Pixel marked as saturated in ap3d
UNFIXABLE 3 Pixel marked as unfixable in ap3d
BADDARK 4 Pixel marked as bad as determined from dark frame
BADFLAT 5 Pixel marked as bad as determined from flat frame
BADERR 6 Pixel set to have very high error (not used)
NOSKY 7 No sky available for this pixel from sky fibers
LITTROW_GHOST 8 Pixel falls in Littrow ghost, may be affected
PERSIST_HIGH 9 Pixel falls in high persistence region, may be affected
PERSIST_MED 10 Pixel falls in medium persistence region, may be affected
PERSIST_LOW 11 Pixel falls in low persistence region, may be affected
SIG_SKYLINE 12 Pixel falls near sky line that has significant flux compared with object
SIG_TELLURIC 13 Pixel falls near telluric line that has significant absorption
NOT_ENOUGH_PSF 14 Less than 50 percent PSF in good pixels
FERRE_MASK 16 Pixel masked by FERRE mask < 0.001

EXTRATARG : basic targeting information

This bitmask is used to indicate some basic useful targeting information. Some bits are used to tie together similar samples that are indicated through distinct APOGEE-1 and APOGEE-2 targeting bitmasks. Another bit is used to indicate targets that have “duplicate” observations (the same APOGEE_ID observed in distinct FIELD).

Bit Name Binary Digit Description
NOT_MAIN 0 Not a main sample target
COMMISSIONING 1 Commissioning observation
TELLURIC 2 Targeted as telluric
APO1M 3 APO/NMSU 1M observation
DUPLICATE 4 Non-primary (not highest S/N) duplicate

APOGEE2_TARGET1 : APOGEE2 targeting bitmask (1 of 3)

APOGEE-2 targeting information is conveyed in three bitmasks: APOGEE2_TARGET1, APOGEE2_TARGET2, and APOGEE2_TARGET3 (APOGEE2_TARGET4 was added to the data model, but is not used). The bitmasks provide context for the reason that a target was selected for observations on a plate. Descriptions can be found on Targeting Information.

Bit Name Binary Digit Description
APOGEE2_ONEBIN_GT_0_5 0 Selected in single (J-Ks)o > 0.5 color bin
APOGEE2_TWOBIN_0_5_TO_0_8 1 Selected in "blue" 0.5 < (J-Ks)o < 0.8 color bin
APOGEE2_TWOBIN_GT_0_8 2 Selected in "red" (J-Ks)o > 0.8 color bin
APOGEE2_IRAC_DERED 3 Selected with RJCE-IRAC dereddening
APOGEE2_WISE_DERED 4 Selected with RJCE-WISE dereddening
APOGEE2_SFD_DERED 5 Selected with SFD_EBV dereddening
APOGEE2_NO_DERED 6 Selected with no dereddening
APOGEE2_WASH_GIANT 7 Selected as Wash+DDO51 photometric giant
APOGEE2_WASH_DWARF 8 Selected as Wash+DDO51 photometric dwarf
APOGEE2_SCI_CLUSTER 9 Science cluster candidate member
APOGEE2_CLUSTER_CANDIDATE 10 Selected as Globular Cluster candidate
APOGEE2_SHORT 11 Selected as part of a short cohort
APOGEE2_MEDIUM 12 Selected as part of a medium cohort
APOGEE2_LONG 13 Selected as part of a long cohort
APOGEE2_NORMAL_SAMPLE 14 Selected as part of the random sample
APOGEE2_MANGA_LED 15 Star on a shared MaNGA-led design
APOGEE2_ONEBIN_GT_0_3 16 Selected in single (J-Ks)o > 0.3 color bin
APOGEE2_WASH_NOCLASS 17 Selected because it has no W+D classification
APOGEE2_STREAM_MEMBER 18 Selected as confirmed halo tidal stream member
APOGEE2_STREAM_CANDIDATE 19 Selected as potential halo tidal stream member (based on photometry)
APOGEE2_DSPH_MEMBER 20 Selected as confirmed dSph member (non Sgr)
APOGEE2_DSPH_CANDIDATE 21 Selected as potential dSph member (non Sgr) (based on photometry)
APOGEE2_MAGCLOUD_MEMBER 22 Selected as confirmed Mag Cloud member
APOGEE2_MAGCLOUD_CANDIDATE 23 Selected as potential Mag Cloud member (based on photometry)
APOGEE2_RRLYR 24 Selected as an RR Lyrae star
APOGEE2_BULGE_RC 25 Selected as a bulge candidate RC star
APOGEE2_SGR_DSPH 26 Selected as confirmed Sgr core/stream member
APOGEE2_APOKASC_GIANT 27 Selected as part of APOKASC "giant" sample
APOGEE2_APOKASC_DWARF 28 Selected as part of APOKASC "dwarf" sample
APOGEE2_FAINT_EXTRA 29 "Faint" star (fainter than cohort limit; not required to reach survey S/N requirement)
APOGEE2_APOKASC 30 Selected as part of the APOKASC program (incl. seismic/gyro targets and others, both the Cygnus field and K2)

APOGEE2_TARGET2 : APOGEE2 targeting bitmask (2 of 3)

Bit Name Binary Digit Description
APOGEE2_K2_GAP 0 K2 Galactic Archeology Program Star
APOGEE2_CCLOUD_AS4 1 California Cloud target
APOGEE2_STANDARD_STAR 2 Stellar parameters/abundance standard
APOGEE2_RV_STANDARD 3 Stellar RV standard
APOGEE2_SKY 4 Sky fiber
APOGEE2_EXTERNAL_CALIB 5 External survey calibration target (generic flag; others below dedicated to specific surveys)
APOGEE2_INTERNAL_CALIB 6 Internal survey calibration target (observed in at least 2 of: APOGEE-1, -2N, -2S)
APOGEE2_DISK_SUBSTRUCTURE_MEMBER 7 Bright time extension: outer disk substructure (Triand, GASS, and A13) members
APOGEE2_DISK_SUBSTRUCTURE_CANDIDATE 8 Bright time extension: outer disk substructure (Triand, GASS, and A13) candidates
APOGEE2_TELLURIC 9 Telluric calibrator target
APOGEE2_CALIB_CLUSTER 10 Selected as calibration cluster member
APOGEE2_K2_PLANETHOST 11 Planet host in the K2 field
APOGEE2_TIDAL_BINARY 12 Ancillary KOI Program (Simonian)
APOGEE2_LITERATURE_CALIB 13 Overlap with high-resolution literature studies
APOGEE2_GES_OVERLAP 14 Overlap with Gaia-ESO
APOGEE2_GAIA_OVERLAP 16 Overlap with Gaia
APOGEE2_COMMIS_SOUTH_SPEC 19 Commissioning special targets for APOGEE2S
APOGEE2_1M_TARGET 22 Selected as a 1-m target
APOGEE2_MOD_BRIGHT_LIMIT 23 Selected in a cohort with H>10 rather than H>7
APOGEE2_CIS 24 Carnegie program target
APOGEE2_CNTAC 25 Chilean community target
APOGEE2_EXTERNAL 26 Proprietary external target
APOGEE2_CVZ_AS4_OBAF 27 OBAF stars selected for multi-epoc observations Andrew T.
APOGEE2_CVZ_AS4_GI 28 Submitted program to be on CVZ plate (Known Planets, ATL, Tayar-Subgiant, Canas-Cool-dwarf)
APOGEE2_CVZ_AS4_CTL 29 Filler CTL star selected from the TESS Input Catalog
APOGEE2_CVZ_AS4_GIANT 30 Filler Giant selected with RPMJ

APOGEE2_TARGET3 : APOGEE2 targeting bitmask (3 of 3)

Bit Name Binary Digit Description
APOGEE2_KOI 0 Selected as part of the long cadence KOI study
APOGEE2_EB 1 Selected as part of the EB program
APOGEE2_KOI_CONTROL 2 Selected as part of the long cadence KOI "control sample"
APOGEE2_MDWARF 3 Selected as part of the M dwarf study
APOGEE2_SUBSTELLAR_COMPANIONS 4 Selected as part of the substellar companion search
APOGEE2_YOUNG_CLUSTER 5 Selected as part of the young cluster study (IN-SYNC)
APOGEE2_K2 6 Selected as part of the K2 program (BTX and Main Survey)
APOGEE2_OBJECT 7 This object is an APOGEE-2 target
APOGEE2_ANCILLARY 8 Selected as an ancillary target
APOGEE2_MASSIVE_STAR 9 Selected as part of the Massive Star program
APOGEE2_QSO 10 ancillary QSO pilot program (Albareti)
APOGEE2_CEPHEID 11 ancillary Cepheid sparse targets (Beaton)
APOGEE2_LOW_AV_WINDOWS 12 ancillary Deep Disk sample (Bovy)
APOGEE2_BE_STAR 13 ancillary ASHELS sample (Chojnowski)
APOGEE2_YOUNG_MOVING_GROUP 14 ancillary young moving group members (Downes)
APOGEE2_NGC6791 15 ancillary NGC 6791 star (Geisler)
APOGEE2_LABEL_STAR 16 ancillary Cannon calibrator Sample (Ness)
APOGEE2_FAINT_KEPLER_GIANTS 17 ancillary APOKASC faint giants (Pinsonneault)
APOGEE2_W345 18 ancillary W3/4/5 star forming complex (Roman-Lopes)
APOGEE2_MASSIVE_EVOLVED 19 ancillary massive/evolved star targets (Stringfellow)
APOGEE2_REDDENING_TARGETS 20 ancillary extinction targets (Schlafly)
APOGEE2_KEPLER_MDWARF_KOI 21 ancillary M dwarf targets (Smith)
APOGEE2_AGB 22 ancillary AGB sample (Zamora)
APOGEE2_M33 23 Ancillary M33 Program (Anguiano)
APOGEE2_ULTRACOOL 24 Ancillary Ultracool Dwarfs Program (Burgasser)
APOGEE2_DISTANT_SEGUE_GIANTS 25 Ancillary Distant SEGUE Giants Program (Harding)
APOGEE2_CEPHEID_MAPPING 26 Ancillary Cepheid Mapping Program (Inno)
APOGEE2_SA57 27 Ancillary SA57 Kapteyn Field Program (Majewski)
APOGEE2_K2_MDWARF 28 Ancillary K2 M dwarf Program (Smith)
APOGEE2_RVVAR 29 Ancillary RV Variables Program (Troup)
APOGEE2_M31 30 Ancillary M31 Program (Zasowski)

APOGEE_TARGET1 : APOGEE1 targeting bitmask (1 of 2)

APOGEE-1 targeting information is conveyed in two bitmasks, APOGEE_TARGET1 and APOGEE_TARGET2. The bitmasks provide context for the reason that a target was selected for observations on a plate. Detailed descriptions can be found on Targeting Information.

Bit Name Binary Digit Description
APOGEE_FAINT 0 Star selected in faint bin1 of its cohort
APOGEE_MEDIUM 1 Star selected in medium bin1 of its cohort
APOGEE_BRIGHT 2 Star selected in bright bin1 of its cohort
APOGEE_IRAC_DERED 3 Selected w/ RJCE-IRAC dereddening
APOGEE_WISE_DERED 4 Selected w/ RJCE-WISE dereddening
APOGEE_SFD_DERED 5 Selected w/ SFD dereddening
APOGEE_NO_DERED 6 Selected w/ no dereddening
APOGEE_WASH_GIANT 7 Selected as giant using Washington photometry
APOGEE_WASH_DWARF 8 Selected as dwarf using Washington photometry
APOGEE_SCI_CLUSTER 9 Selected as probable cluster member
APOGEE_EXTENDED 10 Extended object
APOGEE_SHORT 11 Selected as "short" (~3-visit) cohort target (includes 1-visit samples)
APOGEE_INTERMEDIATE 12 Selected as "intermediate" cohort (~6-visit) target
APOGEE_LONG 13 Selected as "long" cohort (~12- or 24-visit) target
APOGEE_DO_NOT_OBSERVE 14 Do not observe (again) -- undesired dwarf, galaxy, etc
APOGEE_SERENDIPITOUS 15 Serendipitous interesting target to be re-observed
APOGEE_FIRST_LIGHT 16 First Light plate target
APOGEE_ANCILLARY 17 Ancillary target
APOGEE_M31_CLUSTER 18 M31 Clusters (Allende Prieto, Schiavon, Bizyaev, OConnell, Shetrone)
APOGEE_MDWARF 19 RVs of M Dwarfs (Blake, Mahadevan, Hearty, Deshpande, Nidever, Bender, Crepp, Carlberg, Terrien, Schneider) -- both original list and second-round extension
APOGEE_HIRES 20 Stars with Optical Hi-Res Spectra (Fabbian, Allende Prieto, Smith, Cunha)
APOGEE_OLD_STAR 21 Oldest Stars in Galaxy (Harding, Johnson)
APOGEE_DISK_RED_GIANT 22 Ages/Compositions? of Disk Red Giants (Johnson, Epstein, Pinsonneault, Lai, Bird, Schonrich, Chiappini)
APOGEE_KEPLER_EB 23 Kepler EBs (Mahadevan, Fleming, Bender, Deshpande, Hearty, Nidever, Terrien)
APOGEE_GC_PAL1 24 Globular Cluster Pops in the MW (Simmerer, Ivans, Shetrone)
APOGEE_MASSIVE_STAR 25 Massive Stars in the MW (Herrero, Garcia-Garcia, Ramirez-Alegria)
APOGEE_SGR_DSPH 26 Sgr (dSph) member
APOGEE_KEPLER_SEISMO 27 Kepler asteroseismology program target (Epstein)
APOGEE_KEPLER_HOST 28 planet-host program target (Epstein)
APOGEE_FAINT_EXTRA 29 as "faint" target in low-target-density fields

APOGEE_TARGET2 : APOGEE1 targeting bitmask (2 of 2)

Bit Name Binary Digit Description
LIGHT_TRAP 0 Light trap
APOGEE_STANDARD_STAR 2 Stellar abundance/parameters standard
APOGEE_SKY_BAD 5 Selected as sky but IDed as bad (via visual examination or observation)
APOGEE_TELLURIC_BAD 8 Selected as telluric std but IDed as too red (via SIMBAD or observation)
APOGEE_TELLURIC 9 Hot (telluric) standard
APOGEE_CALIB_CLUSTER 10 Known calibration cluster member
APOGEE_BULGE_GIANT 11 Selected as probable giant in bulge
APOGEE_BULGE_SUPER_GIANT 12 Selected as probable supergiant in bulge
APOGEE_EMBEDDEDCLUSTER_STAR 13 Young Nebulous Clusters (Covey, Tan)
APOGEE_LONGBAR 14 Milky Way Long Bar (Zasowski)
APOGEE_EMISSION_STAR 15 Be Emission Line Stars (Chojnowski, Whelan)
APOGEE_KEPLER_COOLDWARF 16 Kepler Cool Dwarfs (van Saders)
APOGEE_MIRCLUSTER_STAR 17 Outer Disk MIR Clusters (Beaton)
APOGEE_RV_MONITOR_IC348 18 RV Variability in IC348 (Nidever, Covey(?))
APOGEE_RV_MONITOR_KEPLER 19 RV Variability for Kepler Planet Hosts and Binaries (Deshpande, Fleming, Mahadevan)
APOGEE_GES_CALIBRATE 20 GAIA-ESO calibration targets
APOGEE_BULGE_RV_VERIFY 21 RV Verification (Nidever)
APOGEE_1MTARGET 22 Selected as a 1-m target (Holtzman)

APOGEE_MEMBERFLAG : Bitmask to identify likely members of clusters/dwarf Spheroidals

This bitmask is produced to indicate the likely membership of a given target in intentionally targeted star clusters and dwarf galaxies. Each bit refers to a specific star cluster or dwarf galaxy. A bit is set if a given target meets a set of membership criteria, including its sky position, mean radial velocity, and proper motions. MEMBER is convenient but may not be applicable for all scientific applications.

Bit Name Binary Digit Description
M92 0 Likely member of M92
M15 1 Likely member of M15
M53 2 Likely member of M53
N5466 3 Likely member of N5466
N4147 4 Likely member of N4147
M2 5 Likely member of M2
M13 6 Likely member of M13
M3 7 Likely member of M3
M5 8 Likely member of M5
M12 9 Likely member of M12
M107 10 Likely member of M107
M71 11 Likely member of M71
N2243 12 Likely member of N2243
Be29 13 Likely member of Be29
N2158 14 Likely member of N2158
M35 15 Likely member of M35
N2420 16 Likely member of N2420
N188 17 Likely member of N188
M67 18 Likely member of M67
N7789 19 Likely member of N7789
Pleiades 20 Likely member of Pleiades
N6819 21 Likely member of N6819
ComaBer 22 Likely member of ComaBer
N6791 23 Likely member of N6791
N5053 24 Likely member of N5053
M68 25 Likely member of M68
N6397 26 Likely member of N6397
M55 27 Likely member of M55
N5634 28 Likely member of N5634
M22 29 Likely member of M22
M79 30 Likely member of M79
N3201 31 Likely member of N3201
M10 32 Likely member of M10
N6752 33 Likely member of N6752
Omegacen 34 Likely member of Omegacen
M54 35 Likely member of M54
N6229 36 Likely member of N6229
Pal5 37 Likely member of Pal5
N6544 38 Likely member of N6544
N6522 39 Likely member of N6522
N288 40 Likely member of N288
N362 41 Likely member of N362
N1851 42 Likely member of N1851
M4 43 Likely member of M4
N2808 44 Likely member of N2808
Pal6 45 Likely member of Pal6
47TUC 46 Likely member of 47TUC
Pal1 47 Likely member of Pal1
N6539 48 Likely member of N6539
N6388 49 Likely member of N6388
N6441 50 Likely member of N6441
N6316 51 Likely member of N6316
N6760 52 Likely member of N6760
N6553 53 Likely member of N6553
N6528 54 Likely member of N6528
DRACO 55 Likely member of DRACO
URMINOR 56 Likely member of URMINOR
BOOTES1 57 Likely member of BOOTES1
SEXTANS 58 Likely member of SEXTANS
FORNAX 59 Likely member of FORNAX
SCULPTOR 60 Likely member of SCULPTOR
CARINA 61 Likely member of CARINA