
MaNGA provides three primary catalogs: the targeting catalog, the DRPall file, and the DAPall file. The targeting catalog is a survey input and is described here as part of the discussion of MaNGA's parent target selection. The DRPall and DAPall catalogs are products of the survey that provide information about the observations, consolidates salient photometric properties of the observed galaxies, and provides global derived properties pulled from the data analysis results.

Parent targeting catalog

The MaNGA targeting catalog and description can be found here; see also Wake et al. (2017, AJ, 154, 86).


Identifier Data Model
drpall-[drpver].fits Link

This is the final summary FITS binary table for the MaNGA Data Reduction Pipeline (DRP). It merges together information taken from mangacore (the repository containing all MaNGA metadata), and various header information taken from the output MaNGA data cubes. It contains no actual spectra from MaNGA cubes, but all of the information required to find a given set of spectra. It can be used to search for galaxies matching a given set of selection criteria. The naming convention is drpall-[drpver].fits, where [drpver] is the version of the DRP used to produce the data and this summary file.

In particular, the DRPALL file provides two identifiers for MaNGA targets: MANGAID and PLATEIFU.

  • PLATEIFU is composed of the plate ID (PLATE) and the IFU design ID (IFUDSGN) in the format of "PLATE-IFUDSGN". It uniquely identifies an observation of a target. The same object drilled on two different plates will have different PLATEIFU identifiers. This is analogous to the way of using PLATE and FIBERID to identify targets in the original SDSS spectroscopy survey.
  • MANGAID is composed of a catalog ID number and an object number with a hyphen in between. Within the same input catalog (e.g., the NSA v1_0_1 catalog), it uniquely identifies each object. The same galaxy from the same catalog always have the same MANGAID. MANGAID is in the format of "CatalogID-LineNumber". For instance, the NSA v1_0_1 catalog has a catalog ID of 1. The number after the hyphen is the 0-indexed line number of the object in that catalog. For example, MANGAID '1-113567' is the object in the 113568th row of the NSA catalog. If the same galaxy appears in two different input catalogs (e.g., the NSA catalog and the input catalog of an ancillary project), it could have different MANGAID identifiers.

For the commissioning plates for MaNGA (P-MaNGA), the galaxies are selected from an older version of the NSA catalog, which has a catalog ID of 12.

A tutorial for how to interact with the DRPall file can be found here. The DRPall catalog is also uploaded as a CAS table called mangadrpall. You can find the schema for this table in the mangaDrpAll table description in the Schema Browser.

Data Release Versions
Data Release Version
DR15 v2_4_3
DR14 v2_1_2
DR13 v1_5_4


Identifier Data Model
dapall-[drpver]-[dapver].fits Link

This is the final summary FITS binary table for the MaNGA Data Analysis Pipeline (DAP). It provides both data simply collated from the headers of the output DAP MAPS and model LOGCUBE files (see the MaNGA Data Model) and global metrics derived from the DAP analysis products. For example, we provide star-formation rate estimates within 1 effective radius based on the measure Hα fluxes.
Similarly to the DRPall file, the DAPall file contains no resolved maps or model spectra, but a set of data that can be useful for selecting subsets of MAPS and model LOGCUBE files for further analysis. The naming convention given above is dapall-[drpver]-[dapver].fits, where [drpver] is the version of the DRP used to produce the data that was analyzed by the DAP with version [dapver].

The DAP analyzes each observation (PLATEIFU) once per analysis method (DAPTYPE); the MaNGA Data Model describes the different analysis methods and the DAPTYPE signifier. However, not all datacubes provided by the DRP are analyzed by the DAP, as discussed here. There is a row in the DAPall file for all attempted analyses of the available PLATEIFU-DAPTYPE combinations. For DR15, this means there are two entries for each of the 4731 observations that the DAP attempted to analyze, or 9462 rows in total. However, as also discussed here, some of the attempted analyses faulted. The purpose of the DAPDONE column in the DAPall file is to select those PLATEIFU-DAPTYPE combinations where the DAP was successful in its analysis of the data.

A tutorial for how to interact with the DAPall file can be found here. The DAPall catalog is also uploaded as a CAS table called mangadapall. You can find the schema for this table in the mangaDapAll table description in the Schema Browser.

Data Release Versions
Data Release Version
DR15 v2_4_3-2.2.1