This table provides the CAS, gini, M20, shape asymmetry, curve of growth radii, sersic fits and associated parameters measured from SDSS DR7 imaging using the 8-connected structure detection algorithm to define the edges of the galaxies presented in here.
The current version of the code does not mask stars prior to creating the 8-connected binary mask, therefore stars within the extended light of the galaxies cause incorrect measurements. More than 10% of objects have been inspected by eye using Marvin and SkyServer, and the WARNINGFLAG set where a star is detected either in the MaNGA datacube, or in the SDSS imaging. In particular, all otherwise clean objects with M20 > -1 or As > 0.3 or (apixx-71)^2+(apixy-71)^2 > 150 have been visually inspected. Users should only use measurements where WARNINGFLAG=0, and additionally visually inspect outliers to ensure that any sample is clean before doing science. We hope to improve the code for future releases.
The WARNINGFLAG bits are: (0) failure internal to code; (1) catastrophic error not causing failure of code (e.g. imgsize=0 or rmax=0); (2) problem defining position of minimum asymmetry which indicates further problems with other measurements; (3) sample of outliers with reff = 1 and As > 0.3; (4) particularly large mask with rmax > 90; (5) visually identified failure. We recommend not using any measurement where any of the warning flags are set. Absent measurements are additionally indicated by values of -99.