Scientific Analysis CatalogLocation on SAS:
https://data.sdss.org/sas/dr14/apogee/vac/apogee-distances/Four separate research groups within the APOGEE-2 team are providing distance estimations, which rely upon the calibrated stellar atmospheric parameters as given by DR14. Each of the distance catalog contributors are providing preferred distance values and associated errors, with some groups providing additional values/information as described in the datamodel and HDU1 of the fits file on the SAS.
The distance estimations included in this catalog are:
- Bayesian Technique (BPG), Santiago et al. (2016);Queiroz et al. (in prep)
- Bayesian Technique (NOAC), Wang et al. (2016)
- Isochrone Matching Technique (NICE), Schultheis et al. (2014)
- Bayesian Technique (NMSU), Holtzman et al. (in prep)