DR12 Flags in the SSPP — SSPP
As it is important that the SSPP be able to identify situations where the quoted atmospheric parameters or the measured radial velocities may be in doubt, or simply to make the user aware of possible anomalies that might apply to a given star, the SSPP raises a number of flags that serve this purpose. Basically, there are two categories of the flags. The first one is to check if the determined stellar parameters and the measured radial velocities are reasonably OK, whereas the other one is to check if a spectrum is needed for visual inspection.
Flags for Checking Stellar Parameters and Radial Velocities
There are two primary categories of flags — critical flags and cautionary flags. When a critical flag is raised, the SSPP is set to either ignore the determinations of atmospheric parameters for a given star, or it is forced (in the case of the color flag) to take steps that differ from normal processing in an attempt to rescue this information. Obviously, even when information is salvaged, the presence of a critical flag means the user must be aware that special steps have been taken, and the reported estimated parameters must be viewed with this knowledge in mind.
The second category of flags are the cautionary flags, which are provided for user consideration, but are not necessarily cause for undue concern. Indeed, sometimes these flags are raised when all is in fact OK, but the flag has been raised due to a peculiarity in the spectrum that is relatively harmless, and which will not unduly influence determination of atmospheric parameters. The user should nevertheless be aware of the existence of these flags. The flags are combined into a single set of five letters, the meanings of which are summarized in the following table.
The nominal condition for the five letter flag combination is `nnnnn’, which indicates that the SSPP is satisfied that a given stellar spectrum (and its reported g-r colors and S/N) has passed all of the tests that have been performed, and the stellar parameters should be considered well determined.
Position | Flag | Description | Category | Parameters |
First | n | Appears normal | …… | Yes |
D | Likely white dwarf | Critical | No | |
d | Likely sdO or sdB | Critical | No | |
H | Hot star with Teff > 10000 K | Critical | No | |
h | Helium line detected, possibly very hot star | Critical | No | |
l | Likely late type solar abundance star | Cautionary | Yes | |
E | Emission lines in spectrum | Critical | No | |
S | Sky spectrum | Critical | No | |
V | No radial velocity information | Critical | No | |
N | Very noisy spectrum | Cautionary | Yes | |
Second | n | Appears normal | …… | Yes |
C | The photometric g-r color may be incorrect | Cautionary | Yes | |
Third | n | Appears normal | …… | Yes |
B | Unexpected Hα strength predicted from Hδ | Cautionary | Yes | |
b | If d or D flag is not raised among stars with B flag | ….. | Yes | |
Fourth | n | Appears normal | …… | Yes |
G | Strong G-band feature | Cautionary | Yes | |
g | Mild G-band feature | Cautionary | Yes | |
Fifth | n | Appears normal | …… | Yes |
B | Too blue g-r < -0.3 to estimate parameters | Critical | No | |
R | Too red g-r > 1.3 to estimate parameters | Critical | No | |
X | No parameters estimate | Critical | No | |
c | Correlation coefficient < 0.4 | Cautionary | Yes | |
T | Difference between adopted Teff and IRFM Teff > 500 K | Cautionary | Yes | |
P | Possible predicted g-r is wrong | Cautionary | Yes | |
RV | NORV | No radial velocity info | ….. | no |
ELRV | Radial velocity from ELODIE template | ….. | Yes | |
BSRV | Radial velocity from spetro1d | …… | Yes | |
RVCAL | Radial velocity calculated from SSPP | …… | Yes |
Flags for visual inspection
A flag based on a six letter combination is, since the DR7, added to speed up the visual inspection of the stellar spectra. Those spectra where one or more of these flags are raised are visually inspected, while those with no flags raised (“nnnnnn”) can be safely assumed to be OK. The definitions for each flag are as follows.
n | Normal |
F | Fail: No parameters or radial velocity determined |
T | Temperature difference between Teff(adopted) and IRFM Teff is > 500 K |
t | Temperature difference between Teff(adopted) and spectroscopic-based Teff > 500 K |
M | Adopted [Fe/H] and spectroscopic-based [Fe/H] is > 0.3 dex |
m | Error in adopted [Fe/H] is > 0.3 dex |
C | low confidence: correlation coefficient < 0.4 |