DR12 Estimates for the u, g, r, i, z colors of Vega and the Sun

Assuming V=+0.03 and UB = BV = VRc = RcIc = 0.00, we find for the A0V star Vega the following:

g   = -0.08  (±0.03)
u-g = +1.02  (±0.08)
g-r = -0.25  (±0.03)
r-i = -0.23  (±0.02)
i-z = -0.17  (±0.02)

where we used the Bilir, Karaali & Tunçel (2005) transformation for g and the Rodgers et al. (2006) transformations (plus the ugriz′-to-ugriz transformations) for the ug, gr, ri, and iz colors. The error bars in parentheses are rough estimates of the systematic errors based upon the different values that different sets of transformation equations yield.

Assuming M(V)=+4.82, UB=+0.195, BV=+0.650, VRc=+0.36, and RcIc=+0.32, we find for the Sun the following:

M(g)= +5.12  (±0.02)
u-g = +1.43  (±0.05)
g-r = +0.44  (±0.02)
r-i = +0.11  (±0.02)
i-z = +0.03  (±0.02)

where, again, we used the Bilir, Karaali & Tunçel (2005) transformation for g and the Rodgers et al. (2006) transformations (plus the ugriz′-to-ugriz transformations) for the ug, gr, ri, and iz colors. As above, the error bars in parentheses are rough estimates of the systematic errors based upon the different values that different sets of transformation equations yield.