How to Cite SDSS

If you have used public SDSS data in your paper, please cite the following papers describing the instruments, survey, and data analysis as appropriate. Links open in new windows.

For your convenience we provide them in bibitem and bibtex formats ready for your LaTeX paper.

Please cite the relevant survey description(s):

the Sloan Foundation 2.5-meter Telescope description:

the relevant Data Release Paper:

and the relevant instrumentation paper(s):

In addition, the appropriate SDSS acknowledgment(s) for the survey and data releases that were used should be included in the Acknowledgments section:

For reference, a more extensive list of technical SDSS papers that it may be appropriate to cite is available at the Technical Publications page . In particular, this list includes papers that describe the target selection algorithms for the different SDSS spectroscopic surveys and the methods that have been used to extract physical quantities such as classifications, photometry, astronometry, redshifts, and stellar parameters from the survey data.

TeX version of the SDSS-IV acknowledgement

Here is the TeX code for the SDSS-IV standard acknowledgement, which can be pasted directly into papers written in TeX format:

Funding for the Sloan Digital Sky 
Survey IV has been provided by the 
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the U.S. 
Department of Energy Office of 
Science, and the Participating 

SDSS-IV acknowledges support and 
resources from the Center for High 
Performance Computing  at the 
University of Utah. The SDSS 
website is

SDSS-IV is managed by the 
Astrophysical Research Consortium 
for the Participating Institutions 
of the SDSS Collaboration including 
the Brazilian Participation Group, 
the Carnegie Institution for Science, 
Carnegie Mellon University, Center for 
Astrophysics | Harvard \& 
Smithsonian, the Chilean Participation 
Group, the French Participation Group, 
Instituto de Astrof\'isica de 
Canarias, The Johns Hopkins 
University, Kavli Institute for the 
Physics and Mathematics of the 
Universe (IPMU) / University of 
Tokyo, the Korean Participation Group, 
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 
Leibniz Institut f\"ur Astrophysik 
Potsdam (AIP),  Max-Planck-Institut 
f\"ur Astronomie (MPIA Heidelberg), 
Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur 
Astrophysik (MPA Garching), 
Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur 
Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), 
National Astronomical Observatories of 
China, New Mexico State University, 
New York University, University of 
Notre Dame, Observat\'ario 
Nacional / MCTI, The Ohio State 
University, Pennsylvania State 
University, Shanghai 
Astronomical Observatory, United 
Kingdom Participation Group, 
Universidad Nacional Aut\'onoma 
de M\'exico, University of Arizona, 
University of Colorado Boulder, 
University of Oxford, University of 
Portsmouth, University of Utah, 
University of Virginia, University 
of Washington, University of 
Wisconsin, Vanderbilt University, 
and Yale University.